Lab News

[Research Project] Growth, survival and physiological response of freshwater pearl mussel Lamellidens marginalis exposed to hypoxia

[Research Project] Growth, survival and physiological response of freshwater pearl mussel Lamellidens marginalis exposed to hypoxia

Funded by: Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh Project Period: 2018-2020 Project Description: Oxygen is one of the most important constituents for energy and metabolism of air breathing organisms. For aquatic organisms, oxygen is more critical…

[Research Project] Microplastic pollution in coastal-marine fish & bivalve species from the upper Bay of Bengal off Bangladesh coast

Funded by: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Marine Fisheries Technology Station, Cox’s Bazar 4700, Bangladesh Duration: 2018-2021 Project Description: Research on microplastic pollution in the coastal-marine ecosystem and investigating its presence in fish and bivalve is noble research on Bangladesh context.…